Pareto Principle


You get 80% of your results from 20% of the effort, and you get 20% of your results from 80% of the effort.

In short, apply this formula to most things in your life to gain maximum results.

Things that require 80% effort for 20% gain:

  • <fill this out for yourself> ;)

Things that require 20% effort for 80% gain:

  • Working on a long term side project
  • Learning a new technical/social skill
  • Eating healthy to stay fit
  • Writing a blog post to get more clarity into your thought process

Things that are just wastage of your precious time:

  • Strolling through internet website to know
  • Excessive use of social media(FB, Twitter, Instagram)



Going Parabolic

Software engineer and macro-investor. This page is about my learnings about technology and life. Writing the is the best way to get clarity of mind.